Vegan, Vegetarian or Meat in Moderation: Any Good is Good

Practically Ethics


There are many important ethical reasons for eating less meat. For one, rearing animals for meat simply isn’t sustainable; livestock use up many more calories in being fed than they produce in the form of meat.

The impact of farming for meat on the environment is also extreme; livestock herds account for around 10% of the Earth’s greenhouse gas emissions as well as widespread deforestation, not to mention high levels of ammonia and nitrate pollution from animal waste.

If we bring to this picture inhumane farming practises – where animals are kept in shocking conditions and killed cruelly – and the question of whether it is ever even right to take the life of a sentient creature, we have a pretty compelling list of reasons to stop eating meat and other animal products right now.

It’s just that actually doing it is a lot harder than saying it.


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